Dolphin Computer Access Ltd

Dolphin Computer Access Ltd Logo


Dolphin’s vision is to deliver independence to people with vision and print impairments all over the World.

The company is determined to make a difference and have been working hard on that goal since it started in 1986. Dolphin's roots are in assistive technology and is proud to have developed one of the first commercial screen readers. Dolphin focuses on creating the perfect software for each of its users. This includes making inaccessible IT accessible for people in employment, thanks to SuperNova with Dolphin's Scripting for bespoke applications, as well as empowering visually impaired seniors to email, Skype or write letters to family using Dolphin Guide. Dolphin leaded the market with innovations like Dolphin SuperNova, the only combined magnification, speech and Braille software. Dolphin was the first company to offer any assistive technology on a USB thumb drive when we developed and launched the Dolphin Pen in 2006. Dolphin’s AltFormat team is also leading the way in making text accessible for all people with a visual or print impairment with EasyConverter, and providing access to talking books with EasyReader. Earlier in 2011 Dolphin completed a successful pilot on behalf of the Department for Education in the UK to explore the role of accessible resources in education. During 2011, Dolphin was awarded a contract to explore the use of metadata in the supply of content to people with vision and print disabilities.


Dolphin Team

Noel Duffy

Noel has been the Managing Director of Dolphin Computer Access Ltd since 2007. He has a business degree from NUI Galway and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. Prior to his current job, he ran an accounting practice. Currently he is chairman of, an organization dedicated to the improvement of lives of people with vision and print disabilities. He is also a member of Right to Read, an advocacy organization for people with reading difficulties.

Simon Kitchen

Simon is a Brand Manager at Dolphin and has been with the company since 2007. Simon received MSc in Advanced Marketing Management from Lancaster University in 2007. Simon’s specific areas of expertise at Dolphin include market research and product management of Dolphin SaySo. Simon ran the initial trials for the Department for Education pilot project mentioned above, was heavily involved in scoping the project and provided ongoing training to the project team.

Rachel Willetts

​Rachel is the Project Co-ordinator at Dolphin Computer Access Ltd and has been with the company since May 2009 when she joined as a Sales Administrator. Rachel received a BA Honours degree in Business Management from the University of Birmingham in 2005 and qualified as a Prince2 practitioner early 2012.

Mattias Karlsson

​Mattias is the Development Director at Dolphin Computer Access AB (Swedish office) and has a degree in computer science. Started to work as a software developer in this company at 1994 and since 2009, works as Product Manager and is managing the development team located in the Swedish office. In addition to the daily activities at work, Mattias has been involved the making of the first DAISY specification and many working groups on international basis (e.g. all DAISY formats, EPUB3, DAISY Online Protocol, PDTB v1 & v2, etc). Mattias is currently active in a working group at SIS (Swedish Standards Institute) which is about meta data of digital learning resources and single sign-on service on national level.

Anders Frankenberg

Anders is the Managing Director at Dolphin Computer Access AB (Swedish office). Anders has a degree from upper secondary economics course and Account consultant. He started to work at Dolphin in1993 and since 1999, works as Managing Director. In addition to the daily activities at work, Anders is a member of the trade association “Svensk Syn” (Swedish Sight). Anders has been involved in projects with the The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools and as project manager on a project with the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency.