Work Packages and Deliverables
Work Packages
WP 1 - Project Management
To effectively handle the management, co-ordination and quality assurance activities of the project, ensuring a successful completion of the project goals on time, within budget and with quality standards adequate for European Projects. The WP will be running all along the project lifetime.
Lead Beneficiary: Dolphin Computer Access
WP 2 - Dissemination and Exploitation
To disseminate and exploit the research and development results of ILearnRW by:
- Creating public awareness and scientific interest for the project and its results, and
- Planning and preparing the commercial agreements to ensure a smooth introduction of these results into every day practice.
Lead Beneficiary: Dolphin Computer Access
WP 3 - Requirements Analysis and Specification
To define the characteristics and requirements of the ILearnRW integrated learning environment in terms of:
- Users’ needs (pupils with dyslexia and dysorthographia) as communicated by children, teachers/tutors,
- language/dyslexia experts, speech pathologists.
- Language learning models regarding reading development and reading impairments.
- Taking advantage of the increased computational power and display capabilities of today’s computing devices(PCs, laptops, tablets, mobile phones).
To define the necessary specifications for both the system to be developed (technical specifications, employed learning strategies) as well as for the test-beds that will be used to evaluate the ILearnRW learning environment.
Lead Beneficiary: Dyslexia Institute
WP 4 - Personalization, Interface and Content adaptation
To develop a model for users with dyslexia/dysorthographia that will be utilized through user profiling in:
- selection of appropriate/suitable content for each user,
- personalized content presentation.
To develop and implement the content adaptation and presentation mechanisms (which include text-to- speech) that, in conjunction with individual user profiles, will result in content presentation that suits each individual user.
To specify the rules/mechanisms that adapt the ILearnRW user interfaces and game scenarios (based on individual user profiles).
To develop and implement mechanisms that rank content/text appropriateness as learning material for a specific user with learning difficulties (based on its profile).
Lead Beneficiary: National Technical University of Athens
WP 5 - Serious games
To design game scenarios which induce effective learning for children with dyslexia/ dysorthographia.
To design game interfaces and interactions
To design and implement a game usage logging mechanism
To implement the designed educational games
Lead Beneficiary: University of Malta
WP 6 - System development, Integration and refinement
To design the ILearnRW’s system architecture
To develop ILearnRW’s knowledge infrastructure component (designed in WP-4)
To integrate the components of ILearnRW into a fully operational prototype which incorporates an on-line resource data bank.
To redesign/redevelop the ILearnRW prototype based on the results of its evaluation (WP7)
Lead Beneficiary: Dolphin Computer Access
WP 7 - Evaluation
To develop the evaluation methodology that will be adopted during the evaluation phase of ILearnRW.
To implement the UK and the Greek test beds, including:
- development of the necessary learning resources
- training of participants
- controlled usage of the ILearnRW system
- Data collection
To evaluate the ILearnRW system based on the analysis of the data collected during the implementation of the UK and Greek test-beds.
Lead Beneficiary: Technological Institution of Epirus
- D1.1 Quality Assurance Plan (WP1)
- D1.2 ILearnRW’s Ethics and Information Security manual (WP1)
- D2.1 Project Presentation and Project Web-site (WP2)
- D2.2.4 Dissemination Plan
- D2.3.3 Exploitation and Business Plan
- D3.2 Learning Strategies
- D3.1 State of the Art User Requirements Analysis Report
- D3.2 Learning Strategies Specification Report
- D3.3 System Specifications Report
- D3.4 Test Bed Specifications
- D3.5 User Requirements Learning Strategies
- D4.1 User Modelling
- D4.2 Content Adaptation and Presentation
- D4.3 Interface and Game-scenario Adaptation Mechanisms
- D4.4 Content_classification
- D5.1 Game Scenarios
- D5.2 Game Usage Logging Mechanism
- D5.3 Serious Games
- D6.1 ILearnRW System Architecture
- D6.2 Integrated ILearnRW System Prototype
- D6.3 The Final ILearnRW System
- D7.1 Evaluation Plan
- D7.2 Test Bed Implementation
- D7.3 Evaluation of the ILearnRW system